Changelog: Appyn

Versión 2.0.15 – 08/05/24

  • Added New or updated apps list
  • Added Infinite Scroll
  • Added New design of app information
  • Added Area showing broken download links
  • Added Option to add the default language to import
  • Added Option to add a button to YouTube
  • Added Option to add descriptions above and below posts on the home page
  • Added Page showing top rated apps
  • Added Page showing most viewed apps
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.14 – 18/10/23

  • Added List MOD apps recent and bulk import
  • Added Telegram for automatic APK file uploads
  • Added “MOD Apps” area in panel theme
  • Added Option to show mod apps in “Apps to update” area
  • Added “Released on” information, which shows the date app was originally published on Google Play
  • Added Options to remove information fields from an app and change position in an easier way
  • Added Option to hide the app short description
  • Added Option to show the original download link from a shortened link
  • Added Option to show modified apps in widgets
  • Added Icons of each app in the posts list
  • Added Filter mod apps in the post list
  • Added Link to update the mod apps list
  • Improved Options to disable when updating an app (Video and Screenshots)
  • Improved “temp” folder for downloading APK files
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.13 – 26/05/23

  • Added Mod Apps Finder BETA (only for customers with an active license)
  • Added Download link shorteners
  • Added Featured posts for Homepage
  • Added Fixed Widget
  • Added Option to control elements on pages
  • Added Option to remove old files (APK, ZIP) from your server when an app is updated
  • Added Option to change download button color, “new” and “updated” ribbons, stars, and MOD label
  • Added Add the search engine and Google results
  • Added Option to show the list of apps in horizontal position
  • Added Option to show website full width
  • Added Fixed bottom menu (mobile)
  • Added Additional option to choose the operating system “Linux”
  • Improved Change position in download links
  • Improved Show timer when download option is “Normal”
  • Improved Design in general and functions

Important: This version has many changes from the original code, so if you have made custom modifications to the code it is important that you have a backup in case any errors occur.

More information:

Version 2.0.12 – 07/11/22

  • Added UptoBox for automatic APK file uploads
  • Added Sidebar for home, search page, categories, tags
  • Added Option to hide social buttons inside the post
  • Added Option to choose which categories to display in the widget
  • Added Option to disable sticky header
  • Added Option to disable category icon
  • Added Option to increase apps per row on PC and Mobile
  • Added Option to display the post title in 2 rows
  • Added Option for rounded design
  • Added Option to disable automatic search engine results
  • Added Option to change permalinks for downloads (?download=links – /download/)
  • Added Option to keep categories when a post is updated
  • Added Option to show Telegram button next to download button
  • Improved Blog type posts in search engine results
  • Improved Delete permanent boxes
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.11 – 12/07/22

  • Added OneDrive for APK file uploads automatically
  • Added Icons for categories
  • Added Categories Widgets
  • Added Search form in the list of apps to update
  • Added Shortcode for download button
  • Added Turkish language
  • Added New download timer design
  • Added New option for download links (Single page)
  • Added Fields for announcements of the new download links option (Single Page)
  • Added Option to display light or dark version based on user’s browser
  • Added Import the number of downloads of an app and display it in the post
  • Added Option to remove old featured image
  • Added Hide post boxes
  • Improved Heavy file imports
  • Improved Encrypted download link changes every 24 hours
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.10 – 10/01/22

  • Added Button to directly update the notified apps
  • Added Option to disable notifications for apps to update
  • Added Option to show reCaptcha v2 to download the links
  • Added Option to deactivate blog from home
  • Added Option to use different widgets in the “blog” section
  • Added Option to use direct download links in previous versions (without entering the post)
  • Added Column that shows the new version of the APP in the apps table to update
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.9 – 30/08/21

  • Added Apps to update BETA (only for customers with an active license)
  • Added 1Fichier to upload APK files automatically
  • Added Styles for download links
  • Added Text “Verified by…” next to the download links
  • Added Telegram Join button next to download links
  • Added Russian language of the Appyn theme
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.8 – 01/08/21

  • Added Option to control ads for each post
  • Added “Latest version” button to direct posts from old versions to the current one
  • Added Version in the title with Rank Math SEO plugin
  • Added Option for double step when downloading a file on internal page
  • Bug fixed Double category created when subcategory
  • Bug fixed “Updated” ribbon on old version posts
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.7 – 23/06/21

  • Added FTP to upload APK files automatically
  • Added Option to request mail from the user who makes a report
  • Added Option to mail report to administrator
  • Added Back to top button
  • Added Fields to modify some default texts
  • Added Option to show the “Updated” ribbon considering the post modification date
  • Bug fixed Connection to Google Drive
  • Bug fixed PHP 8.0
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.6 – 19/05/21

  • Added Show app version in title (with Yoast SEO plugin)
  • Added Your server information for better APK file import
  • Bug fixed Featured Images in AMP
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.5 – 23/04/21

  • Added Dropbox to upload APK files automatically
  • Added Permanent custom boxes
  • Added Encrypt download links
  • Added Show app download percentage when importing
  • Added If an imported app already exists, show the link to the post
  • Bug fixed Facebook Comments on AMP
  • Bug fixed Design error in the social buttons on the internal download page
  • Bug fixed Report form without reCaptcha codes
  • Bug fixed Ads in tags and categories that do not have posts
  • Bug fixed Avoid showing (in Home) posts from previous versions in AMP
  • Improved Design in general and functions

More information:

Version 2.0.4 – 11/02/21

  • Added Google Analytics for AMP.
  • Bug fixed Content importer.
  • Bug fixed Featured images in AMP version.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

More information:

Version 2.0.3 – 29/01/21

  • Added Google Drive to upload APK files automatically.
  • Added Option to block importing duplicate apps.
  • Added Application status ribbon (new and updated)
  • Added Options to disable fields when updating an application.
  • Added Idioma portugués y árabe.
  • Added Button to see the parent post within the posts of previous versions.
  • Added Information to download the files.
  • Bug fixed Custom box deleted when creating previous version.
  • Bug fixed Improvements when obtaining the APK file.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

More information:

Version 2.0.2 – 15/11/20

  • Added Option for the user to choose the theme color (dark or light)
  • Added Option to not show the sidebar.
  • Added Option to select the way to show related apps.
  • Added Category for Blog posts.
  • Added Show version column in admin post list.
  • Bug fixed Move sidebar on page.
  • Bug fixed Code errors.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 2.0.1 – 17/10/20

  • Bug fixed The authors of created posts will be able to edit their posts.
  • Bug fixed “More versions” page.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 2.0 – 2/09/20

  • Added Api Key for content extractor. (Important for content extractor operation)
  • Added Option to disable comments.
  • Added Option to hide posts on home.
  • Added Being able to show the content extractor to users with other roles.
  • Added 2 more spaces for ads in the Internal Download Links section (PC, Mobile and AMP)
  • Added AMP: Space to place codes after <body> tag
  • Added Option to hide previous versions in widgets.
  • Added Option to remove boxes in the internal discharge part.
  • Added Choose the category type of the app. (Google data structure)
  • Added Choose the type of operating system of the app. (Google data structure)
  • Added Choose if the app is free or paid. (Google data structure)
  • Bug fixed Extract the rating of the apps.
  • Bug fixed Old versions in different sections.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.5.4 – 14/03/20

  • Added Extract rating from the application, in addition to being able to edit them.
  • Bug fixed Images error when using the search engine.
  • Bug fixed Translate some text into English language.
  • Bug fixed Home page pagination error.
  • Bug fixed Google alert for AMP due to size of featured image. (It will now take the first image from the screenshot)
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.5.3 – 16/02/20

  • Bug fixed Code on structured data rated “0” will not be displayed.
  • Bug fixed Telegram button color.
  • Bug fixed AMP. Facebook comment.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.5.2 – 9/02/20

  • Added Option to show date in apps (home, categories, tag, etc)
  • Added Links in the footer.
  • Bug fixed Translate some text into English.
  • Bug fixed Show more categories in the post app.
  • Bug fixed Icon size in related apps.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.5.1 – 7/01/20

  • Added Option to enable and disable theme AMP (enabled by default)
  • Added Fields to place AMP ads.
  • Added Field to place codes in the header only for AMP (Google adsense, Analytics, etc)
  • Improved Google+ button removed and Telegram button added.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.5 – 9/11/19

  • Improved Content extractor (Upload featured image and APK for some applications).
  • Improved Functions and style in general.
  • Added Place text on top of ads.
  • Added Timer to display download links and redirection.
  • Added Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)

Version 1.4.9 – 31/05/19

  • Bug fixed Failed to extract content from Play Store.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.4.8 – 17/05/19

  • Bug fixed Failed to extract content from Play Store.
  • Bug fixed To be able to respond to comments.
  • Added Control emergence of previous versions in search engine, categories, tags and in developer taxonomy.

Version 1.4.7 – 18/04/19

  • Bug fixed Failed to extract content from Play Store.
  • Bug fixed Custom boxes.

Version 1.4.6 – 26/03/19

  • Bug fixed Failed to extract content from Play Store.

Version 1.4.5 – 20/03/19

  • Bug fixed Failed to extract content from Play Store.
  • Bug fixed The tags box in the posts was not shown.

Version 1.4.4 – 04/02/19

  • Added Reports link with panel.
  • Added Version history.
  • Added Can change the order of boxes.
  • Added Function to delay image loading to improve speed.
  • Bug fixed Custom boxes were not deleted. A button was added to eliminate the boxes.
  • Bug fixed Images extracted from the bot.
  • Bug fixed Translate more words.
  • Bug fixed Design in general and functions.

Versión 1.4.3 – 26/04/18

  • Added List of developer’s apps.
  • Bug fixed Bot content extractor.

Version 1.4.2 – 02/04/18

  • Added Taxonomy “Developer” and create it directly (By default).
  • Added New update alert in the panel.
  • Added Structured data for Google.
  • Added Attribute ‘follow’ for download links (By default they will be nofollow)
  • Bug fixed Bot content extractor.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Note: To update the “Developer” taxonomy, you must update the permanent links. Just enter “Settings” -> “Permalinks” and without making another change click on “Save changes”.

Version 1.4.1 – 15/03/18

  • Added RTL support.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.4 – 10/02/18

  • Bug fixed Translation errors.
  • Bug fixed Bot extractor.
  • Bug fixed Menu errors.
  • Added Compatibility with the Woocommerce plugin.
  • Added Links to download internal page, redirect, and upload APK files.
  • Added Mobile menu.
  • Improved Pagination.
  • Improved Design in general and functions.

Version 1.3.3 – 30/08/17

  • Bug fixed Social Networking Single page.
  • Bug fixed Categories in the home when being translated (WPML)
  • Bug fixed CSS tags on Sidebar
  • Bug fixed Line breaks in custom boxes and “News”.
  • Bug fixed Pagination in all sections.
  • Added Option to edit the main color of the site.
  • Added Option to add facebook comments.
  • Added Option to display all the content of the post.
  • Added Option to be able to sort the last posts by modification or random.

Version 1.3.2 ***** 12/07/17

  • Bug fixed Widgets footer responsive.

Version 1.3.1 ***** 22/06/17

  • Bug fixed Save changes from the Appyn panel.
  • Bug fixed Create or associate categories. Added a field to create the category that comes from PlayStore.

Version 1.3 – 21/06/17

  • Bug fixed Automatic search results in home.
  • Bug fixed Picture slide.
  • Added English Language (WMPL)
  • Added Extract data “size” of the app.
  • Added Create custom boxes in the entries.
  • Added Box “News” + the information taken from Bot.
  • Added Option to show or hide the “Most Qualified Applications” section of Home.
  • Added Option to display the social buttons to color in Single, Blog and Page.
  • Added Take category of the tab of the app in PlayStore and create it if it does not exist.

Version 1.2 – 18/05/17

  • Bug fixed Categories Home
  • Bug fixed Display Mobile Menu (Firefox)
  • Bug fixed Top rated Widget
  • Bug fixed Bot Compatibility with Firefox.
  • Bug fixed App most rated on Home.
  • Bug fixed Categories and breadcrumbs of single.
  • Bug fixed On some servers the bot did not work.
  • Bug fixed Some items were not 100% responsive.
  • Bug fixed Position Order of the “Top Rated” widget
  • Added Related Apps Section (Based on categories)
  • Added Widget Apps most qualified.
  • Added Size (Application Data)
  • Added New way to qualify the app from mobile.

Version 1.1 – 9/04/17

  • Bug fixed Extract text from the PlayStore in the WordPress editor in HTML mode.
  • Bug fixed Margin down on the Header ad.
  • Bug fixed Responsive Menu in Safari (iPhone)
  • Bug fixed Multiple pager in Category, Tags, Search and Archive.
  • Bug fixed Parent and child category order in Single.
  • Bug fixed Limit of posts in pagination.
  • Bug fixed Limit of posts (5) in more qualified applications of Home.
  • Bug fixed Menu with submenu showed only the first.
  • Added (Panel) Limit of posts in the most qualified applications of the Home.
  • Added Take the first paragraph of the text of the PlayStore and add it in the description (Before it was manual)
  • Added Section Blog.
  • Added Template Blog (list of articles) See tutorial to add it.
  • Added (Panel) Option to limit the category posts and latest home apps.
  • Added (Panel) Option to limit the posts of the Blog section.
  • Added Widget Latest posts (blog)
  • Added Widget Most viewed (blog)