Documentation: Movyn

Posts (Movies)


Status: Option to display the “Release” tag on each post.

Original Title: Original title of the movie.

Release Date: Release date of the movie. Date that will be taken into account to display the “Release” status.

TMDbid: TMDb ID to be able to extract the movie information on this website. You can update the information and see the original listing.

IMDbid: IMDb ID to be able to extract the movie information on this website. You can update the information and see the original listing.

Duration: Movie duration.

Votes: Total number of votes for the movie.

Average votes: Average from 0 to 5.0 based on the number of votes and the user’s rating. When importing a movie, this data is imported.

Background Image: URL of the image that will appear as a background for each movie. You can also upload an image.

Featured Image: URL of the cover image for each movie. By default the image is uploaded to your server.

You can change image import and other options in Panel → Content Importer

Trailer: YouTube ID that shows a trailer for the movie.



List of images that reference the movie. These are usually screenshots of the movie’s content. By default, 40 images are taken, this can vary depending on the amount available. In addition to using the URLs of the external server, you can have it uploaded to your own server. You can find these options in Panel → Content Importer


Download links

Download links list that you can add by selecting the language, server, quality and download URL.

The download box will look like this:



Add a list of movie players in this area. Add the language, server, quality and the iframe player code.



Report area for that movie. You can see the details of the report made by users, as well as being able to delete them.

More elements

On the right side you will find elements to add apart from “Tags” and “Categories”, which are the default elements of WordPress.

Letters: Initial letter of the movie. This will be used to display the movies in the letters bar.

Writers: Movie writers.

Actors: Movie actors list.

Directors: Movie directors.

Years: Movie year.