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Create Dropbox APP for file storage

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1. Go to the page to create the Dropbox app.

2. Click on the “Create app” button.

3. Select the following options and we will place the name of your app.

4. We go to the part of “Permissions”, we mark the following options and click on “Submit”.

The next thing is to get the token without expiration, however as of September 30, 2021, dropbox does not allow you to create a token without expiration.

On September 30, 2021, Dropbox will retire the creation of long-lived access tokens, which will result in all new tokens being short-lived. For online-only applications that already handle reauthentication, users may experience more reauthentication prompts. Apps that require background (“offline”) access but have not yet implemented refresh tokens will be affected.

As of version 2.0.11 of the Appyn theme, you will need to connect to this app as well as Google Drive

5. We copy the App Key and App Secret, likewise, we are going to place the following URL in the Redirect URIs: https://youwebsite.com?appyn_upload=dropbox

With that we already have our DropBox APP created.

Connecting the DropBox APP with the Appyn theme