Documentation: Movyn

Posts (Episodes)

You can add the season of each series you create. To do this, go to Series → Episodes and add a new post.

There you can put the episode title and a description.


Area for you to put more information related to the episode.

Release date: Date the episode was aired.

Premiere: Check the box if the episode is a premiere. This will display a label above the episode for 7 days (by default)

Background image: Imagen URL that will appear as a background for each episode. You can also upload an image.

Featured image: Cover image URL for each episode. By default, the image is uploaded to your server.

Original title: Original episode title.

Series: Select the series to which the episode belongs.

Season: Season to which the episode belongs.

Episode number: Episode number broadcast.

Average votes: Average from 0 to 5.0 based on the votes number and the user’s rating. When importing a chapter, this data is imported.

Votes: Total votes number for the movie.


Download links

Downliad links list that you can add by selecting the language, server, quality and download URL.



Add a players list for the episode in this area. Add the language, server, quality, and iframe code for the player.


Report area for this episode. You can view the details of the report made by the users, as well as being able to delete them.

Episodes list

Here you will see the episodes list sorted by season. There will also be links to the other seasons and the series so you can easily access them.