Release date: Release date of the series.
Original title: Original title of the series.
TMDbid: TMDb ID to be able to extract the information of the series on this website. You can update the information and see the original page.
IMDbid: IMDb ID to be able to extract the information of the series on this website. You can update the information and see the original page.
Votes: Total number of votes for the series.
Average votes: Average from 0 to 5.0 based on the number of votes and the user’s rating. When importing a series, this data is imported.
Background image: URL of the image that will appear as a background in each series. You can also upload an image.
Featured image: URL of the cover image for each series. By default the image is uploaded to their server.
Images list that refer to the series. They are usually screenshots of the series’ content. By default 40 images are taken, this can vary depending on the amount available. In addition to using external server URLs, you can have it uploaded to your own server. You can find these options in Panel → Content Importer
Area where the seasons list and series episodes appears. You can easily enter each episode to edit it.
Publish seasons and episodes: When you import a series with its episodes, by default everything will be in draft. To publish all seasons and episodes automatically, check this box and then click “Publish”. There is also a link to send the series with its seasons and episodes to the trash.
Letters: Initial letter of the series. This will be used to display the series in the letters bar.
Actors: Actors list n the series.
Creators: Series creators.
Years: Year the series premiered.